Selected Materials + Cool Layout = Pro-quality Design


Picky-Pics is an online designing tool which enables you to design
pro-quality posters, flyers and presentations.

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From business cards to posters with just drag & drop

Over 50,000 selected materials such as photos and illustrations are available.
Search them and just drag & drop to design.

Over 50,000 selected materials
like photos & illustrations.

Only pay 100 JPY
for a 24h license.

Auto-Layout like a kaleidoscope!

Automatically switch the layout with just one click.
You only need to choose the one you love.

About 100 patterns
of practical layouts

Layout for various purposes
such as posters and
Facebook covers are available.

The Smart Guide
A powerful tool for pixel-accurate detection.

Beautifully place multiple materials and detects
vertical-end, horizontal-end, center, evenly spaced and equal-sized.

Left Align
Equal Size

Even if you don't have
professional skills

Smart Guide tells you
beautiful placement
while using Picky-Pics.